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That's Studio Cutie's lettering!
I have mixed feeling about this. I think it's really neat that somebody liked Tateno's Yellow enough to share it with a million people. It looks like it was a bit of work to put together.
On the other hand, the presentation takes away a lot of the design from the art. The whole page was composed to be seen as a whole and in this clip, you only see a panel (or half a one) at a time.
It also why I'm skeptical of 'ports to hand-held devices. Unless the media is designed to be shown a panel at a time, I don't think they'll come off very well.
I'm also not a fan of the music.
ETA: this is my third stab at this post. Eery time I edit it, it gets eaten by LJ. It also used to be easier to embed media and format around it.