May 10, 2007 22:13
This is probably my last entry to the good ole livejournal before I take my flight out of country. I love that I know how and where most of you all are right now, it sets me at rest just to be able to think of you guys while I'm over there.
I'm currently doing research on Bronze and Classical Age Greece so that I can present to my professor on the historical site. My first topic? The theatre at Epidaurus, one of the first theatres EVER. In the history of the ENTIRE WORLD. People sacrificed holy, purified animals to the freakin' god of theatre himself, grand Dionysus. Holy shit. I am going to stand in the middle of the theatre and present research to my professor, on a spot where maybe an original Maenyd once stood.
Wish me luck.
I will say hello to the gods for you.