Oct 01, 2006 02:40

This morning around 8:50 am a building in atlanta, apparently not too far from here, was demolished, and by demolished, i mean exploded. I tell you this part first, because i think my reaction is funnier:

I awoke to a very extended roar. VERY extended, at first i thought' that's one hellllllllll of a thunderstorm- a full 30 seconds of endless thundering? I should check and make sure my car isn't lost to the floods...

So i peeked an eye open and saw light coming through my curtain, and thought 'Hmm.. it's still sunny.. maybe that was an atomic blast.. oh well, if it was, i can't do anything about it now, and i won't feel it when i die anway... wait... is that my atoms being ripped apart that i feel? ..No, i'm still here, and i'd be gone by now... it must just be my sunburn. I guess if it's an atomic blast that's going to kill me, i might as well be asleep when it hits so i don't know enough to feel it.'

And i was nearly into a new light doze when i thought 'what if some well-stocked citizen has simply noticed the zombie invasion started today and threw a grenade... if not zombies some other ground-level, slow moving threat... I guess i'd better check in case i need to outrun it...' --and THIS is the thought that FINALLY got me out of bed.

ALL of that is funny to me.
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