Sep 29, 2008 11:47
Wow, what an incredible experience that was. I did not know entirely what to expect when i first arrived, but I left with an immense sense of. . . well, fellowship.
I made some incredible new friends this weekend, people who I feel very close to, like we have already been friends for years. And I got to get know some of you who I had known for years but really did not get to spend time with at the larger conventions like DragonCon.
So I thank all of you for such a rich experience - the organizers of course, who put such incredible effort into making this unique event possible - the volunteers who also gave so much their valuable time so that the rest of us could enjoy ours - the guests who shared their knowledge, insights, and artistry that truly make Middle Earth a real place - the archers, whose company gave me much cause to rejoice, for the skills developed from archery ensure that they give the best hugs :) - my new friends from the central area of my home state, i can only say, "I would not take the ring within a league of your nethers!" - my delightful drinking buddy, I will think of you when burning my pine cone - a teacher in a cloak, the "official party photographer," an Elf Witch or possibly an elfwich :), a pirate turned Lord of Rivendell, a Canadian Ranger, a Canadian Elven Princess, a redhead with an accent to match, she who rides horses in armor, a student eager to learn of leatherworking, twins with one suffering a injury at the event, aranger with actual military experience and his lovely wife, and far too many others to name.
It was a singular experience which I will not soon forget.
alep fellowship tolkien aome hobbit lotr