bananas are just as difficult to eat when urinating

Dec 25, 2006 09:30

The trick is to make a coherent and evolving pattern of sounds, while making each and every sound become something new and unique.

I've been accepted back into electrical engineering at TAMU for the Spring 2007 semester, so now I have about 3 weeks to do the following:

(a) Find a place to live. I'd prefer to be off-campus (may just have to settle with living in a dorm, dunno); I need to find someone who needs a roommate! I'm a very reliable person when it comes to money, I can be quiet if necessary (I just need space in return), and basically I'm just looking for a stove and an oven. ;D

(b) Get a job. I'm going to have to look hard for this one; perhaps someone had to leave after the Fall semester *coughs* and now there's a position open somewhere? *coughs again, eyes everyone he knows at A&M who have jobs* I'm a very hard worker and very skilled with computers and electronics! ;D

(c) Register for classes. Registration is closed until January 1st, and I still need to get with my advisor and find out what I can/need to take still.

(d) Organize all of my possessions. Need to figure out, based on my past experiences, just what I should take and what I should leave in the garage.

Christmas is "meh" to me now. I wish I didn't spread that to others, but I can't seem to help it sometimes. I'm sorry. :-/

I spent 14 hours making an electronic noise-making toy as a present for the younger stepbrothers, and it'll probably go unappreciated and ignored; oh well. The hardest part of any electronics project is putting the interface in something that will be accessible to the user; extremely cramped cases are the worst.
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