Ever wondered where crackers come from? There is no cracker recipe in the standard Betty Crocker Cookbook.
I recently googled up a recipe for
homemade "Wheat Thins"-style crackers, and tried it today. The results are not only yummy, they both look and taste more like the branded Nabisco original than does the store-brand generic! The seasonings are easy to vary for variety and personal taste (I didn't have paprika, so I made one batch with nutmeg and one with "Mexican Seasoning").
The key is rolling the dough as thin as possible, which is time-consuming. It took me over two hours to make the equivalent of one box of crackers. While I can speed this with practice -- and, I suspect, with a little more water in the mixture -- I conclude that if you're not worried about the ingredients or the cost (remembering to value your own labor), it's not worth your time to make crackers from scratch. But now I know how!
My results are in airtight containers. I wonder whether I should freeze them as well.