If the convention organizers had known what former-president Clinton would say, and how, I imagine they would have given him the prime-time spot he's reported to have desired. But he's remained unpredictable since the primaries, and they couldn't have known; in fact, one journalist reported that Clinton declined the speech his scriptwriters gave him and wrote this one today, himself, on a yellow legal pad. (
Speech excerpt on YouTube)
The PBS coverage on my VCR started after Senator Clinton called for nomination by acclamation when the roll call reached New York. Too bad, that scheduling, because responses praise it both as stagecraft and as genuinely inspiring. I remember roll call votes from conventions past, when the networks aired more, and I had more time to watch; some may find the roll call of states and territories boring, but oh! don't you perk up when one dear to you is called and gives its spiel? "This is us, one among equals. This is what we want the nation to see in us."
Senator Biden did fine. Traditional, necessary -- accurate -- VP attacks on the opponent after the obligatory "Hi! My Name is Joe" bio-bits.