2010: in the nick of time

Dec 31, 2010 22:47

2010: a in the nick of time review

i've spent the past few hours on this, lol. i really wanted to do a 2010 review post this year but kept putting it off and then working 24-7 and all sorts of nonsense. so here's a sort of thrown together picspam! i didn't really list any of this in order of favorites, but other then that there's not much to say. my favorites movies, shows and ships of this year!

some of these aren't from this year. but they're all ones i've seen this year. that totally counts, yeah?

the imaginarium of doctor parnassus: this film is such a delight! incredibly picturesque and lovely. i know i've talked to a few people who haven't enjoyed it, but they are in the wrong because this is wonderful all around. just the kind of movie i could watch anytime and be taken in all over again.
a perfect murder: i know this movie is old. i don't care. i just recently watched it this year and now i've seen it approximately nine times, lol. twisty, turner masterpiece!
casablanca: my boyfriend just watched this with me this past holiday season and it is wonderful. don't ask me how i haven't seen it before, but i have now, and i'm in love.

repo men: lol, i saw this movie and was instantly obsessed. i bought the book, which was better imo, and i got the soundtrack to the movie, incidentally my favorite soundtrack of the year. i've heard some rubbish reviews of this movie, but i greatly enjoyed it. and it's better then the shit opera, js.
trainspotting: how have i not seen this before?! absolutely shameful. i was actually really not into this the first time i watched it. i think i was let down, or something. but then it got under my skin, and oh yes. the soundtrack to this is also fantastic!
velvet goldmine: i caught this on tv late one night and i'm so happy i did! brilliant, reminds me a good deal of hedwig and the angry inch. not sure which one i like better tbh.

the 25th hour: if anyone enjoys cinematic funtimes they need to watch this movie. everything, from the pacing to the shooting to the dialogue is spot-on perfection. plus it's edward norton.
wimbledon: i bought this on the cheap from a grocery store and it's so heart warming. i'm not a huge fan of romantic comedies but this one was really lovely. bonus random mcavoy!
sherlock holmes: through a seriously unfortunate series of events i missed seeing this in theatres and didn't end up seeing it until i bought the dvd. i'm a huge fan of the sherlock fandom in general, and this movie did not disappoint even if the great mouse detective is still the ultimate sector.

i love you, phillip morris: i stumbled upon this movie by complete accident, lol. i thought it'd been out for years and fell instantly in love with it. it's got a nice dark humor to it and it's endlessly amusing, if the ending is kind of a downer. very fitting ending to the movie though. i really want to read the book.
leaves of grass: beyond the 25th hour this is my biggest must see film on this list. i didn't think it'd be so good until i watched it, and it is brilliant. kind of unheard of, from what i've seen, but worth it. i redboxed it for norton.
orphan: yes! yes, yes, yes! creepy, sublime, twisty! all the necessary accessories.

the orphanage: i bought this movie from walmart on the fly, and it was my favorite suspense/thriller of the year. i don't think i've ever been so scared in such a nice way, lol. the story was completely heartbreaking which i think balanced the fear in a way i've never seen done.
due date: favorite comedy of the year! favorite! "dad... you were like a father to me." this movie was straight up my alley of humor. and it's robert downey jr. being a douchebag. oh, my.
paranormal activity 2: i was freaking thrilled about watching this movie! me and some friends went to the theatre to see it and that was probably the best way to do so. i think we clutched the seats of one another's chairs the entire night long. cannot wait till the third one.

tv shows
this wasn't even remotely all the shows i watched this year, but i've put in my favorites, and i'm well crunched on time to get this done by midnight, heh. because i'm also a titanic procrastinator.

[Denholm's funeral]
Roy: I hate funerals, I never know what to say.
Jen: Just say, "I'm sorry for your loss," and move on.
Roy: [to Denholm's wife] I'm sorry for your loss. Move on.

i started watching this show ages ago, but the fourth season aired this year so i get to slide it in under the wire. this is one of my all time favorite shows, although i felt that this last season was the weakest of the lot. btw, where's all the jen love?! jen is my favorite character. or maybe roy. or maybe moss. idk. but jen's one of my favorite female characters from fandom!

Kirsten: Chrismukkah is ruined.
Seth: Stop it, right now, ok? Don't give up on the miracle, that is Chrismukkah! What is happening to you…? You'll see. You'll see too. You'll all see. You'll all see.
Ryan: You're really starting to scare me.
Seth: I'm okay with that.

i'm almost ashamed of having to admit to watching this show. worse, i own the first two seasons. i'm just, summer and seth!!! my bestie, deadsies made me watch this with her and i'm so, so glad she did. i stopped watching halfway through the third season, because it was so shit, but i really want to watch the fourth season now that i know my least favorite character is gone. ...finally. and i want to be seth cohen's best friend.

Mitchell: I'm sensing a trip to IKEA. You know my feelings on that.

what is there to say about being human? i honestly think it's the best show around when it comes to overall features; amazing actors, amazing characters, amazing story lines, amazing, amazing, amazing. nina is my personal favorite. ♥ she's the tops.

Bambi: They call me Bambi.
Belle: Oh, because of your big eyes I suppose.
Bambi: No, because my mother got shot.
[Belle looks shocked]
Bambi: Only joking.

i enjoyed this past season a lot. that said, i'm uncertain whether or not i really care for hannah/belle anymore. ho couldn't even smile for bambi's wedding pictures! dislike! however, ben, bambi and byron more then make up for her sometimes questionable behavior. also ben remidns me of arthur darvill? it only makes me like him more. not that i'm sure that's possible.

Eugene: The average life is full of near misses and absolute hits. Of great love and small disasters. It's made up of banana milkshakes, loft insulation and random shoes. It's dead ordinary and truly, truly amazing. What you've got to realize is, it's all here, now. So breathe deep and swallow it whole. Because take it from me: life just whizzes by, and then, all of a sudden, it's-

this was the year of torchwood for me. i watched the entire show this year, starting with coe before going back and buying seasons 1 and 2. owen harper is my all time favorite doctor who/torchwood character. period. in fact i think he's my favorite character of any show ever. i think since i watched the show out of order i'm all messed up with the new torchwood cos i'm so used to having the whole crew there. i haven't had time to heal, okay?! that said, i'm too fucking excited about next season and i wish it was running now. i think this show has the best characters of all shows. when it comes down to them being believable and heart-tugging i think they win. i love every single one of them. even ianto.

Amy Pond: If we're going to die, let's die looking like a Peruvian folk band.

well, of course! doctor who is my longest liked fandom that i'm still active in. i know there's a lot of opinions about season five but i'm a simple person who enjoys shows without too much wanking, lol. rory is the obvious highlight, imo, of this season but i love them all. amy grew significantly on me since her first episode and eleven is perfect, just perfect. i could go on and on and on about this show. and do. i think river song is my biggest obession right now when it comes to characters. ♥ i adore her, and not just because she's the regenerated master in my bestie and my's two year fandom.

Nathan: Oh come on, seriously? He was never going to fit in, what with all the caring about the environment and that. Better him than me.
Simon: You're immortal.
Nathan: ...Better him than one of you.

this show took me by complete surprise. this list of shows isn't in any particular order, but this one was. because it was number one for me this year, even over doctor who, which is quite frankly impressive. i can't get enough of this show; i watch it all the time, i download fanmixes, i read fic (which i never do, lol). it's campy, it's cheesy, it's a riot, it's inappropriate and horribly crass and it's got devil peanuts. so idk why anyone would ever complain about it. i could have quoted eight thousands quotes for this entry. ♥ ♥ ♥

exception to the ship rule


John: It was like having a wife.
Jack: You were the wife.
John: You were the wife...
Jack: No, you were the wife...
John: Oh, but I was a good wife!

i ship them alllll! torchwood is like the ultimate show for multi-shipping. if it can be shipped, i've shipped it. rhys/gwen is my soft spot, but when it comes down to it, i care about all of them pretty equally. owen/gwen is the spiciest, owen/random flight attendant whose name i can't remember right this second is the steamiest. i'm just a huge owen fan, tbh. his ships will always be my favorites. and him and tosh in adam is the best. although i think i'm setting myself up for failure right here, i'm not a huge fan of jack/ianto. i don't hate them at all, i'm just sort of unaffected by them. jack/john, ty.



Seth: I still don't understand why we needed to get two rooms. I'm gonna leave you my key, just in case you get lonely.
Summer: Or, in case, I wanna smother you with your pillow while you're sleeping.
Seth: Whatever turns you on.

this is why the oc is worth watching! this, right here! this, this, this! i feel almost stereotypical liking them so much, just because they're the epitome of the perfect couple in my eyes. they're dorky and nerdy together, and absolutely wonderful. summer's a princess-bitch, seth's a witty loser-nerd, and somehow they end up being completely indescribable together. just talking about them makes me want to rewatch all their episodes, lol.


byron: [lights 'i love you' in candles outside belle's window to win bambi back]

my favorite moment for this couple was when he stood outside belle's balcony and lit up 'i love you' for bambi. i don't think i'd have really cared for this season had it not been for these two. they're very winsome and, while i don't think that this show is really big on developing characters, i think these two were the best choice they made.


[Mitchell wakes up in bed]
Annie: Hiya.
Mitchell: Have you been sitting there long?
Annie: Define long.
Mitchell: An hour?
Annie: Then yeah.

i ship these two in a really subtle way, i think. i don't actively ship them so much because i love their current relationship as well, but to me it's just a slow build. i guess i already sort of consider them on their way to being together. i can't see either one of them with anyone else, but i don't get in a fuss when they are with other people. but they're included, cos i do think of them as a couple.


[Annie reads George's poem about Nina]
Annie: "My heart yearns for your fragrant hair"?
George: That's private!
Annie: Does she have fragrant hair?
George: Yes. I'm a terrible poet and a terrible boyfriend.
Annie: What's the last line? "Because you're worth it"?

i am not going to go indepth on why i love this couple so much, because i've already done it here at my huge george/nina picspam. in a word, they're lovely. and so, so realistic. ♥ otp.


Amy: [After Rory disintegrates] Save him. You always save everyone, always.
The Doctor: Not always. I'm sorry.
Amy: Then what is the point of you?

that right there is my favorite quote from the entire doctor who season. amy breaks my heart, right there. i think this episode was a huge advancement in amy's life, maybe in just recognizing her priorities. rory is my favorite character from season five and i loved watching their development as a couple, especially since we open up on amy having so many insecurities about their relationship. plus, he waited.

the doctor/river song

The Doctor: Are you married, River?
River: Are you asking?
The Doctor: Yes.
River: Yes.
The Doctor: No, hang on, did you think I asked you to marry me or, or, or asking if you were married?
River: Yes.
The Doctor: No but, was that a Yes or Yes?
River: Yes.

i was so fucking excited! as mentioned above i'm well obsessed with river song and i ship these two like the dickens. i don't even know why. they just get to me. i think they're wonderful and magical and spoilers. idk what it is, the chemistry between these two always wows me. i think they've just got it. i'm open to any and every possible outcome between them, i really don't even care what it is. everything about them thrills me.


Simon: You think I traveled back in time so I could sniff your panties?
Alisha: [eyebrow]

there ain't really much to say about these two that hasn't already been said a thousand times, yeah? i ship them. clearly. i actually shipped them offhandedly in the first season, for whatever reason, but i never saw them coming. it is very quick, but i really don't buy into all this f!simon is evil stuff. i think what i enjoy most about them is present!simon and alisha trying to figure out how to get there together. plus her dead gave us superhoodie!simon. a+.


Kelly: You either get him his power back, or I'm going to start kicking you in the balls.
Nathan: Yeah, I've seen her do it. You won't enjoy it one little bit.

lol, i seriously don't understand everyone whose saying that this ship is dead. he was the only one with genuine concern when she got wed. he chased after her when she was riding a gorilla. he quite clearly loves her. he thought he'd never see her again. i think it's pretty sure they'll eventually get together. at this point i don't think that they're ready for one another, and that's okay. i think kelly is obviously a lot more mature than him, but i see them probably having a moment where nathan grows up for her. we've already seen him be there for her time after time. i guarentee you we get the it moment for them. also i love the quote from this scene. something like, "i liked you that way", or something. i also loved when he chose her even though he won the prettier girl, lol. and then told her that. if only she'd been in her mind! this is my favorite freaking ship this year.

have a great year, everyone!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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spittingfish, [picspam] - 2010

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