studettemeg's LJ stalker is say_kiss!say_kiss is stalking you because they have nothing better to do with their time. They are also slowly poisoning you!
LJ Stalker FinderFrom so, i was really bored tonight, and i totally cant sleep. thus: i wandered around the LJ community. and realized that some people are incredibly popular in this bizarre, completely abnormal internet world we live in. i mean, the guy that made that comment stats thing that mark has gets like 100 comments sometimes. and his entries are just whack. not even that interesting. so my goal is to make some random friends who will pretend to be interested in my life, while really, they just have nothing better to do than comment on my boring life.
How to make a meg
3 parts pride
3 parts arrogance
1 part ego
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of curiosity
Personality cocktailFrom hahaha, thats so true. waysome.
studettemeg HighwayMt. Happiness4Wealthville12Valley of Depression40Loony-Bin Lane141Bewilderment Avenue363Please Drive Carefully
Where are you on the highway of life? From