More Iowa links...

Apr 04, 2009 17:11

- The Des Moines Register publishes a staunchly pro-gay marriage editorial that places Varnum v. Brien in a "proud Iowa tradition" of progress on civil rights. In particular, the editorial applauds the court: "The decision is both courageous and reassuring. It shows that justices of the Iowa Supreme Court care deeply about protecting the ideals articulated in the Iowa Constitution, a principled application of the law and the reputation of the court. If the court had been worried about political repercussions from striking down the gay-marriage ban, it could have taken any number of easier and perhaps safer routes to avoid a confrontation. Instead, the court took the words of the constitution - that the state cannot grant any class of citizens rights denied to others - to mean what they say, and it applied them to the reality of today's world. This is not judicial activism, but a ruling grounded in the plain language of the constitution."

- A really fantastic article by Michael Lindenberg of Time magazine considers the meaning of gay marriage in Iowa: "Deep in the rural heartland, a straightforward opinion - written by a justice appointed by a conservative Republican governor - methodically eviscerates one argument after another that for decades has been used to keep marriage the sole preserve of straight couples. ... There might even be good news in the Iowa decision for gays in California, where activists are fearfully awaiting the justices' ruling on Prop 8, which is likely to be issued in coming weeks. The Iowa decision cited the California case eight times and borrowed its reasoning again and again. That kind of homage from a sister court - and one that, like California's, has a long history of breakthrough civil rights decisions - may strengthen the resolve of the majority in the Golden State and turn aside the narrow vote of the people."

- If you feel like watching a video featuring some of the Iowans who will benefit directly from the ruling, here you go. met with a lesbian couple from Council Bluffs, IA, in December. This couple can receive a marriage license from Pottawattamie County as of April 24.

politics, iowa

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