Mistake in class, superstition, sister, etc

Nov 13, 2009 12:38

Well, I made a real goof last night in my literature class. My professor said somewhat like," you compared Everell and Magawisca to Romeo and Juliet because she was damaged (after her arm was cut off)." And I said something like ,"No, I didn't." And the whole class laughed.
I meant that they were from opposing races/cultures and didn't even figure in the mutilation. But he pulled his point out of me, and I conceded, but it wasn't exactly what I meant. But you "don't " want your professor to look stupid! I should have just said yes, even though I was not perceptive enough to think of that. Next time, I will say "Yeah, of course, naturally, why not?"
Today at the Appalachian Studies Learning Center one of the instructors with an office there said that there was an Appalachian superstition that you don't go out other another door. You go in and out the same door or, I guess, it's bad luck. But I told him today was Friday the 13th, so he said that cancels it out! Then he said he was just fooling with me.
Husband suggested that I write my mentally/emotionally handicapped sister and say she can come East (after my parents are gone) and live "near" us, not with us. He said she'd drive me crazy in the same house and I guess he's right.
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