
May 13, 2008 21:49

[reading a thick book] It would seem that reading this capsule manual has hardly done the sort of good I was hoping it would. These old models are so very out of date. I can see why they were decommissioned. The upkeep alone requires such horridly rare materials that it would be far too much of a hassle to own one.

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brigadiertardis May 14 2008, 03:42:06 UTC
[testily] Your opinion is hardly warranted.


studentoftime May 14 2008, 04:13:38 UTC
Fascinating! Are you the projection of the consciousness inhabiting this capsule?


brigadiertardis May 14 2008, 04:16:17 UTC
I am. And I am not a 'capsule.' I am the TARDIS and I'd rather like it if you stopped touching me.


studentoftime May 14 2008, 04:21:15 UTC
Very well then, TARDIS. Though you are a time capsule and an outdated one at that. The Doctor allows me to touch you.


brigadiertardis May 14 2008, 04:24:33 UTC
I am not 'outdated.' Weathered, perhaps. Classic, surely. And I have not given you my permission, so kindly refrain. I don't fancy having any more holes drilled into me.


studentoftime May 14 2008, 04:32:28 UTC
The hole was quite necessary. And your model is mentioned only in the antique modes of transportation class.


brigadiertardis May 14 2008, 12:45:31 UTC
You do not drill holes in my console, girl! Have you any idea how much that hurts? And antique? We were being used heavily right up until about 800 years ago. That's not long enough to be an antique.


studentoftime May 14 2008, 19:22:20 UTC
It was not as if I simply put a hole in your console for the fun of it. It was needed for our mission and I am sure the Doctor would agree once he stopped sulking over it. And 800 years is a very long time.


brigadiertardis May 14 2008, 20:08:39 UTC
And you continue to ignore the fact that it caused me harm. The Doctor would never willingly allow such a thing to come to pass. He wasn't sulking, he was concerned.

[sniffs] Perhaps it is, but it's hardly long enough for antiquity. I'm still fully capable of doing anything any other TARDIS can do.


studentoftime May 14 2008, 20:15:09 UTC
How do you suppose it caused any greater damage than anything the Doctor has done to you? For example, off the top of my head, turning off your shields very nearly destroyed you but he did it in any case. And he was sulking. I believe he makes a habit of it.

[cheerfully] You are capable of what other TARDISes are capable of for the reason that your better functions stayed in the new models, although they infinitely improved upon the original design.


brigadiertardis May 14 2008, 21:52:19 UTC
He is at least my pilot and not some unwanted and unwarranted nuisance. You do not know him enough to make any judgment calls on him.

[her dislike of you has not changed, Romana] I could fly circles around those upstart TARDISes.


studentoftime May 14 2008, 22:02:18 UTC
I was chosen for him. I think that should say quite a lot. And I am beginning to learn about the Doctor's ways. I enjoy his company.

[Romana is...still rather neutral!] Why would you want to do that?


brigadiertardis May 14 2008, 22:12:38 UTC
You may have been chosen for him, but he chose me. My opinion of you stands. [hmphs] You needn't.

[raises an eyebrow] To prove that I am better than they?


studentoftime May 14 2008, 22:21:02 UTC
Type 40s were only recently recalled at the time, were they not? You wouldn't have been a terrible choice for the time. [raises eyebrows] I needn't?

But how would flying in a circle prove anything? That your spatial axis is not damaged?


brigadiertardis May 14 2008, 22:25:50 UTC
When he found me? Yes. My kind were decommissioned long before he fled Gallifrey, however. [nods] You needn't. You'll leave him as quickly as you joined him, so liking him is pointless.

[for once, the TARDIS gets a figure of speech someone else doesn't] It is an idiom that simply means I can out-perform the newer models. It isn't literal.


studentoftime May 14 2008, 22:30:37 UTC
Actually, I was thinking I may stay on with him after this business is over. He's a rather fascinating man, if a bit silly.

I see. In that case, I think you're quite mistaken. It would not be possible for your performance to match that of the newer models.


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