So let's travel back to Wednesday the 3rd. I woke up with a very minor discomfort in my right side. Oh well probly just need to fart right. Don't I wish.
Then Thursday comes I've farted but no relief, no discomfort is kinda painful sometimes, but im surving it will work itself out right, Don't I wish.
Friday, well ok yeah the alarm goes off and it hurts to turn the damn thing off. So I call work and say, "ow, gonna see a doctor." So I goto the doctor and the doctor says, "no more munkies jumping on the bed." wait no scratch that. he said, "you have two choices we can do blood work and a ct scan in the next few hours here, or you can go to the ER, I reccomend the ER." Great. Off to the hospitol, full of sick and old people. (sorry sick and old people) So the doctor thinks possible appendicitis, Yay aren't I going to have fun. (I was thinking weather I could ask for a designer scar, no seriously I was)
So the hospitol is always my favorate place to be on a nice friday afternoon. At least I got a room to myself where ti was fairly quiet. The ER doctor was very nice. She says ok I think it might be appendicitis (what would a designer scar look like) but best to check before we slice and dice. so I get to drink that wonderful contrast stuff, not to bad with crystal light honestly. but I have to pee. This would be when the nurse comes in with the IV and pain killers. Most people might let me pee so I am comfertable while this poking of the veins goes on but that's why I'm not a nurse. So she stabs me and gives me some morphine (that I will never get addicted to for sure) It didn't really make me feel good, or make the pain go away all that much. So now I get to go pee she says, Great! stands me up, and wait oh that morphine you gave me in the IV, I need to lay down.
See they don't like you to use a real bathroom when you are in the ER, you retain to much dignity. So I get to pee in that urinal thing while mom makes sure I don't fall off the bed. Thank you ER nurse with the stabby IV needle and stingy morphine use. (at least if she was taking my dignity she could have made me feel swimmingly good)
So of to the CT, and waiting for the results. I was suppose to get this warm rush from the IV contrast but only felt it in my neck and butthole... odd places if you ask me. the guy told me I got ripped off but I didn't get a refund.
Turns out my appendix is normal (damn no designer scar, fine be that way). I have a right omental infarction, which basically means my fat is twisted in my abdomon. She says, "it's painful but should clear up in a few days." oh and follow up with this surgon (he's a kiaser doctor BTW).
I don't have Kiaser, I have Blue Cross, so that mean I can't really see this doctor. Well ok I COULD but I would have to pay myself. I think not. So I spent a good portion of time getting another refferal to another doctor.
Well apparently he's so smart he knows more than the ER and he wasn't even there. I shouldn't need pain killers, and the ibuprofen she prescribed could make me bleed, never mind she prescribed it for the anti-imflammatory bit, you know to help the swelling and such go down so the thing can untwist ro whatever it did. And I shouldn't be in that much pain, an extra strength tylenol every 2-3 hours should be more than enough to keep the pain down.
So today I went to get lunch and a haircut, just before I left I took my pain killer and ibuprofen. we walked to the place in the mall to get our hair cuts, founf out there was about an hour wait, walked to the food court (this would be at gimp speed of course, because even on pain killers and ibuprofen I can only walk to fast without pain), ate, and went and got our hair cut. Walking out of the mall I relised, wow, somehow not doing much at all, mostly sitting, I managed to over do it today.
So I went home took more pain killers and slept with
Stormy the wonder dog. Now tommorow I will go see doctor crackhead and see what he thinks before I decide to tell him what I think of him and/or tear him a new hole for him to spew forth his vast knowledge or crap.
so yeah... don't I wish I could have just farted and made it go away...