Things are looking up

Nov 13, 2005 14:15

In the past two weeks I have had 5 tests. I finally got through them all, but not without a lot of studying and a great bit of worrying.

It all started last week on Wednesday with a test in Statics. I did well on it. I think I am doing ok in the class and that is all I am looking for. Then it was on to the big test. Surveying has been the bitch class of the semester. The grade has been inconsistent from lab to lab and on the actually exam many people have points taken off that should not be. On the first exam I studied the wrong information and wound up with a 58. Class average by the way was around a 60. I am not far off. Well, I studied my ass off on all the math this time for the test. Also the math is not taught to us in lecture. It is given out in homeworks and you have to try and figure it out on your own. Math counts for 75% of the exam and it is never gone over. Well that extra studying paid off and I stoked it. My 96 was one of the highest grades in the class I believe. So the first week comes to a close and I start to study for the next week.

Thursday, of the following week, was once again a big day. Tests in Planning and Scheduling and Construction Safety are back to back. Planning and Scheduling was tough because there is not much information to study from. The power points are not available and even if they were we do not go over half of them and most of the information for the test he says in class during lecture so you have to have a pretty good memory. Now, on to the test. He is good at testing us on the info we are to know, but he is horrible at wording his questions. They just do not make sense. If I get an opportunity to post a copy of the exam some how I here I will do it so you can see. It is very confusing. I hope I did well. Right after Planning, I have Construction Safety and guess what; it is with the same professor. Wheeee. Now you are thinking Construction Safety, a really no brainer, right? Well you are half right. It is no brainer material like do not walk off the edge of a tall building, but the kicker is we have to look up the reference for the code in the OSHA code book. It is the biggest and most boring book. It is filled and I mean filled with legal jargon they absolutely put you to sleep. It is so difficult to skim through to. Once again I just want to have passed that test.

This brings me to Friday, the last day of week 2, and my test in Principals of Management. Not a bad class and we learn a lot of useful stuff, but the exam had 6 short essay questions to be completed along with true/false and multiple choice in just under 50 minutes. Not a fun test with all the time in the world, but add on a limit and I want it to be the weekend sooo bad. Once again a couple hours of studying in the up and coming days along with an old copy of an exam from the bookstore and I believe I may have just passed my last test of 5 in a two week period.

Bring on Thanksgiving already.

Smile, it only gets better. (I Hope.)
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