Aaron's Guide to Overcoming Depression

Jun 26, 2012 10:58

My depression returned for a while, but it's gradually going away. I've updated my list to overcoming it. If you're reading this and you're secretly suffering from depression, I hope that this helps.

1. Exercise. If you don't have time, make time. You'll have three times more energy than before, and an attractive body is great for self-esteem. If time is an issue, set a daily time. For example, every day between 8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. is your workout time. Half the battle is physically making the trip from your home to the gym. Once you're there, the rest will take care of itself. Even a quick ten minute workout of push-ups and sit-ups in your living room would make a big difference.

2. Get a professional massage at least once a month. They're only $50, and they relieve unbelievable amounts of stress.

3. Don't spend all of your money on bills, spend some on yourself. You work hard, you deserve to. The debt collectors can wait a few more days until they are paid.

4. Dress nicer than usual. It makes you feel important, and it also makes you like what you see in the mirror.

5. Don't listen to depressing, slow music. Listen to something upbeat. You'd be amazed how much music impacts your mood.

6. The same goes with movies and TV. NO DRAMA - Watch comedies only until you think you're ready to casually watch drama again.

7. If you're single and you suffer from loneliness, get a pet, preferably a cat or dog. You won't get many reactions from a turtle or a goldfish. Nothing cheers you up faster than a dog who jumps all over you when you get home, or a cat cuddling in your lap and purring while you're watching TV. These animals love you and depend on you, and it makes you feel wonderful.

8. Eat healthy. Nothing makes you feel like crap more than an extra dose of fat and sugar. After you eat healthy for a certain amount of time, you won't even miss junk food because you'll forget what it tastes like.

9. Be social! Don't isolate yourself from the rest of the world. Call friends! Go out! Join a book club! Do SOMETHING! Participate in social gatherings like fitness clubs, fundraiser events, yoga, etc. You'll meet lots of people, and you'll feel good about yourself for accomplishing something.

10. Decorate your home with pictures of you with your family and friends, particularly ones of memories. It will make a huge difference.

11. Your problems are most likely not as complicated as you think. Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper. On the left side, write down your life issue, and on the right, write down the solution. If the solution is difficult, write it in steps.

12. Most people are depressed because of financial issues. (mine for example) Keep track of your budget on your calendar. On the top of the date, write down how much income you took in that day (or week), and at the bottom, write down how much you spent that day. Money isn't as stressful when you know your budget inside and out. At the end of every week, evaluate your income and outcome and decide how you could have made more money, and think about some expenses that maybe you didn't need.

13. If you hate your job, quit! Don't think that it's a trap that you can't escape from! This is America! You can work wherever you want! And there IS a job out there that pays just as much, and you'll be much happier at. You just have to keep looking.

14. Keep a list of the happiest moments in your life. Carry the list around with you, and read it every time you feel down.

15. Do at least two new things every week. They don't have to be big things. They can be as simple as trying a food or drink you've never had before, going to a bar or restaurant you've never been to, listening to music you've never heard before, traveling to a city you've never been to, etc. It's a fun hobby, and it'll greatly increase your conversation with everyone. For example, "Yeah, I've been there!" or "Yeah, I've done that!"

16. It's never too late to pursue your dreams. Write down the steps that it will take to achieve them. It won't be easy. You will get discouraged many, many times. But no matter what, never give up.
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