Well as you should all know...the Pittsburgh Steelers won the superbowl sunday, and, I am in Pittsburgh...
so what happens all the time?...RIOTS!!
There were some very close to campus here, actually on campus there were 2 fire alarms pulled in different buildings, a group tried to flip a Carnegie Mellon bus, and they were stopped...also a couch was lit on fire as well as another large fire started on morewood...
about 3 blocks away around UPitt is where it really got crazy though...people were lighting fireworks, tearing down signs, a window was broken at a sandwhich shop, as well as cars flipped, signs and parking meters torn out of the ground, newspaper dispensers kicked around and garbage all over the street...
I heard most of this on the police radio scanner that i have...further downtown there were shots fired, apparently someone was shot (might be roumor...I havnt seen fact)...liqour stores were being broken into...it was getting crazy...not to mention the snow that was making roads a mess and causing hundreds of accidents clogging streets...
A friend of mine was at the riots and just happened to be a professional photographer...so heres some pics he took that were published in our school's
newspaper There were also of course
news reports...this one was the one only about 4 or 5 blocks away from here...
I wanted to go and take some good pictures too...but I was busy with my Interp paper that was due on monday...I finished that a little before 4am...oh well...it would have been awesome though to get the pics of the cars flipped and the mounted policemen and barricades with riot gear and swat teams, and hummers, and helicopters...there might as well have been some tanks too to complete it...it was crazy...
the anxious mood is because i have tons of Electrical and Computer Engineering homework to do tonight...as well as another 2-3 page paper about how im going to edit the paper i wrote last night and an ECE lab write up to do tomorrow night...and then a weeks worth of calculus problems to do on wednesday...plus whatever else the professors decide to give me...AHHHH