Oct 23, 2007 21:48
the wake sucked. a whole lot. as soon as i got out of the car and saw all the kids outside the funeral home, everything just hit me like a fucking tidal wave.
you know in the movies when a person goes back to a place they haven't been in a while and they have the old shots combine with the new shots? that's exactly what happened. i didn't see steve's family members there, i saw chris'. i didn't see steve's friends there, i saw mine. it was crazy. as soon as i hugged steve and talked to him for a little bit i knew i had to get out of there. i haven't been that close to crying in a long, long time. and i knew that if i did start even a little bit, it would've opened the floodgates and everything i've been surpressing since february would have come out in a hurry. i didn't want that happening.
i feel awful for steve. it's his senior year and now, ontop of all the other bullshit he's got to deal with, he has to single-handedly carry his family through this. like i said before, he doesn't deserve it at all. none of you guys know steve. he's such a nice kid and would never hurt a fly.. and he gets dealt this hand.
i dunno. shits crazy.