Sep 12, 2005 22:06
meh... *points to subject title* That about explains everything. Today was certainly not the first day of school that I was hoping for, not that my expectations were very high to begin with.
1.) I didn't know where I was supposed to go for homeroom
2.) Walked into a chemistry class when I was supposed to go for physics
3.) Made a fool of myself in French class
4.) Lost my locker number and combination in history and therefore had to carry around my books all day
5.) Already got homework... (actually not that bad, just finding my horoscope and writing an essay for pre-calc)
I know there's more stuff than that. But there is a good part to the school day: we didn't have to march 9th period.
But we did have to march tonight, and the practice didn't go all that well...we got yelled at half-way through. It's so early in the year, though. We don't normally get yelled at like that until a few more weeks into the season. I guess that means that's going to happen a lot this year...great, something to look forward to. (Still in desperate search of my journal, this will annoy me for quite some time)