Down on the inside pretty on the outside turn it around, can we turn it around?

Mar 15, 2005 21:12

So this is dedicated to ADAM!! because he wanted me to! haha
any how...Adam is amazingly awesome! and everyone probably already knows that!

but he also told me to write about what has been going on with here goes...

Lost my flushing them down the toilet..yahyahyah the jokes are old!!! ha
Then Dad got me new oneSSSS because we didnt have a spare!
Thursday is St pat's day...the worst day ever...i always forget to wear green and get pintched..
Grades are pretty good..i guess. we get report cards tomorow...
Friday we have to turn in our classes for next year..
Ive been extreamly tired lataly
Ive just kinda been numb nothing really inparticular..
the past few weeks have just kinda been kickin me i the butt..but i think that when life does this to you you have to rebound and make life extreamly PERFECT! ya know?? idk life is never dull...

"Down on the inside, pretty on the outside, turn it around, can we turn it around?"
this one if for Jesse!!! CHEER UP!!!!! :) has been kinda yeleld at me cause my shirt was to short...but it wasnt...but oh well...hes the dad he does it for the best. And ive been getting thats all good.

Ive decided im going on a prom diet thing...i watch everything i eat...well watch myself eat it...then go and run a mile! haha nah...i probably wont..but i need to..i feel like im getting im going to work on that...

I got fitted for my dress on sun. speaking of prom...its going to be like lite yellow. Im really excited about it..prom is going to be fun!!!!!!!!!! YAY!

Umm what elce?

Well there is not all that much...except i was hoola hooping in my kitchen and i hit the wall...but noting to monumental! haha and i still cant spell!! haha

well i think things are going to start looking up...but this only relying on myself...ive found thats the only people you can rely on...(not to be taken mean) you just have to change things for yourself. But yah..

so this entry was for adam....

adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam


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