Mar 25, 2006 19:59
People exercised their right to peaceably assemble! That is what freedom of speech is all about. Being able to criticize your own government.
Now kick those fucking ILLEGAL ALIENS out of the fucking country. Guys, these aren't mexicans working on farms in the midwest. These aren't poor "undocumented workers". These are people who are not citizens here, who take our jobs, commit a ridiculous amount of crime, take government resources (which means OUR money), and contribute nothing to our society that an american can't. I am not talking about a guy in a pickup truck with a tattoo of an eagle carrying a flag on his arm. This isn't about patriotism. It is about nationalism. Live in L.A. a little while. You realize what jobs these guys have. Construction worker, drug dealer/farrier, restaurant cook, bartender, gang member, thief, murderer, hotel janitor, fast food fry cook. You didn't get as good of an education as you would have if the money that would have been spent in Louisiana schools was going to California healthcare (thanks congress for diverting education funds to illegal alien health care). In Los Angeles, you pay higher taxes, more for housing, and deal with more crime thanks to PEOPLE WHO SHOULDN'T BE HERE. It is against the law for them to even cross over the border to come to live here without following the same procedure as an East Indian, a German, or an Ethiopian. We have quotas for reasons, including population control (a good thing), an insurance of class/education balance (health care in California is even more short on workers, as is the legal system.... wonder why?)
The reasons we should let them stay? Because they want a better life? Build up your own country. This didn't come free for us. 250 years of slavery, 100 years of a bloody Industrial Revolution. How many Blacks, Irish, and Italians worked for pennies, bled, and died for the prospect of prosperity? How many cajuns, slaves, indians, and germans worked the cotton and sugar cane fields, rice marshes, and strawberry patches through Louisiana summers for just enough money to make a gumbo? We don't need a new working class. We already have enough. These jobs, these benefits, these resources are ours. Our mothers and fathers, and grandfathers and grandmothers worked too hard, suffered through too much to leave us a legacy not ours for the taking. Get them out. No mercy. They didn't show it when they broke our laws, and now they want it after they tasted the fruits of those laws?
Please point me towards the counter protest.