Mar 22, 2007 21:14
hey guys. i just made this entry but accidentaly deleted it. ughh. anyhow i've been doin alot of thinking today because, well i'm grounded and have nothing better to do. matt is a part of my past and i know that but i'd be lying like a mother fuckin rug if i said i didn't wish i could erase him. my mom said something that is way true the other day, she said that matt refuses to burn bridges behind him just in case he needs something from you some day. if you know matt, think about it. eh? eh? true right? i don't know i guess i just feel like i wasted my first "true" love on someone who would have been just as happy to have me as a sister. anyway i was thinking of things i appreciate today to cheere me up because, lets face it, thinking about Ratboy is enough to depress even the lightest of hearts. (did i just say that?) and i realized that there is alot to smile about.
THE SKY: the sky is the only proof i need that there is some sort of higher being. every hue and emotion can be found in the sky.
UNO: a game of uno can make me focus my aggressions from the day on kicking someone's sorry ass or give me a much needed reason to laugh or just take away some of the bordom that occasionally lingers over my room. God bless uno
PHONE CALLS: i think its cool that someone takes the time to call just to talk to me. makes me feel special i guess, hey. stop laughing.
THE FIRST FEW WARM DAYS: ahhh warm. ahhh a breeze instead of a razor-sharp freezing cold gust. all hail spring.
GOOD COMPANY: my personal favorites know who they are ;-)
GOOD SONGS: i don't even need to explain this one
PIFF, KB, AND MIDS: time to lay back, think (or not, whatever works) and pass the dutchie to the left hand side. exxxhhhaaalllleeeee.
i'm sure there's more but i don't feel like typing them.