Good Writings

Dec 11, 2003 15:13

I sure did stay home today, and man i picked a good day to do so. The modeling agency that I signed up for called me this morning and woke me up and they were wanting me to come to Orlando (fuck yes!) I was all excited about it and this girly souning guy was telling me what all i would be doing...


I finally ask him how much this will all cost me and of course he tells me about this magnificent hotel that i would be staying at..and all the awesome things that i WOULD be doing and right before he hags up he tells me that It's going to cost me $995. Then my little fantasy died and i had to say no again and hang up :(

Thats the second job that I have had to turn down due to lack of funds. This really suckes.I cant wait until April. My dad said that i would probley have the money and would be old enough to do it next year buttt stilllll

in other news :)

Today I recieved some information from The Staunton School Of Cosmetology (ie place i wanna go)
This looks like a really good school , and im serioulsy thinking about going here. The only drawback at the moment once again , is the money. It costs roughly around 7,000 to go there..and to get the liscense that i want costs 10,000 :(

Hopefully, by the time i apply there i will have a little more money saved and be ready :)

Sat. there is a parade in Iron Gate. I suggest you all come to see me of course :D
Afterwords..Julia and I along with Jamous (duh) will be going to Roanoke for hours of shopping.moving watching and eating :D
It shall be ffffuuuun.

I need to put pictures on here. Anyone fee free to help me do this :)

Sally Ann
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