If We Go Down....We Go Down Together

Oct 09, 2003 18:50

Hello :)
Don't you just love me updating this thing :)
First block today suuuuuucked. I got a 82 In English and I had all kinda of make-up work to do today ahh! and on top of that I had to go to the library and get a book to read. I picked to read"The Good Earth" (again haha)that should be easy. I was realllly surprised that I got a 100 on my book review even though I didnt even read that book ( internet gooood)
There was a percussion thing today but Mrs. Bowyer Is evilllll and didnt let anyone go see It :( :::shakes fist::
Second block was alright we just took notes and went over a few things..not baaaaadd..
Gym Is so homosexual, today we played baseball I hit the ball and then I ran the end...
Band was alright, I talked to Julia and she told me about her piercing experience and then i just thought about the pain associated with what that kid did (ouch dammit)..
yepp,Magazine was alright I guess considering that I sat on my ass and did absolutly nothing! muwhahah :D
Buuuut I did show people my pictures from homecoming in there:) I think the pictures turned out goooood, seeing how that sexy beast James is in them and all :D
I went to work today..sho did
so far I have 10hrs this week Im doing good :D
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