Sep 03, 2003 20:54
Today was pretty good :D James came to my house around 7:30 and we hung out this mornin' for a little while and then he took me to school which was awesome, I love seeing him even If It's for a short time.
First Block was rather boring, I pretty much worked on my essay that's due sometime next week, and waited for the announcement for pics to be taken, cuuuzz It's picture day and all :P I went to the nurse during first block to get something to drink and talk to her cuz I wasent feeling good.
Second block was alright, Its kinda hott in my math class but Its alright, I got my picture taken during that class, hopefully then turn out good, even though I dont think they will haha.
Third block was pretty weird today, Gym Is always rather boring. Today I talked to Lindsay,Travis,Patrick and some other people that i cant remember they're names right now haha.
Band was kinda crappy, we had to march outside and I really wasent feeling like doing that today, I'm lazy I suppose haha. Friday I have a away Game I have to play at..and im not looking forward to going blah
Magazine Publication today was so boring, I ended up working on my essay for English and doing some Algebra:D I duno why Im in that class I never do anything...
I missed my bus today and had to get on another one and go to the middle school and wait for my bus to get there and get on haha /retard...this wouldnt have happened if people werent in my way :P
I came home and called James and talked to him for a bit, and then I took a nap and got back online and read some livejournals and a few emails that was alright until I find out a few things..the things are buggin me and i shouldnt let them i guess..I duno im weird..
Sally :D