what a sucky spring break....

Mar 26, 2005 22:38

$pring break this year wasnt fun really at all. altho when i went to practice v.v. and i would hang out and we went to a bball game and jenny and kayla came too which was pretty fun. But those were the only ppl i saw out of any of my friends this week. yeah its sad. its been rainy and that sucked cuz there is so nothing to do in this town. I've watched like all the movies i own in the house and i've eaten just bout everythin too. easter is tomorrow so wooo! candy! lol i like jellybeans! they're tasty, well some of them are good. I made some friends on myspace. which is friggin awesome! and i met this guy and hes like: ur hella fine! and i was like thanks! :) its pretty sweet! i met some cools guyz. and well i dont want to go back to school for the school part i just want to go back so i see my friends again. cuz its been a long time but a week isnt that long it just seems that way when u never see anyone and it rains constantly. oh i wanted to kno if anyone knos how to change like the myspace background and add all that cool stuff like font color and whatnot?! so if someone can help me out on that i'd be very happy. wow i feel so out of it right now. its weird cuz it usually only happens when i have too much sugar or caffiene and then stay up and then crash. which is like right now. i cant wait to get my camera back so i can take some new pics. yes! well i must go now and find something to make me stay awake.l8ter! ♥ Liz
p.s. i wish amerzisalooser would get her butt back here so we can talk and hang out and discuss how cali went. lol.
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