(no subject)

Jan 30, 2008 19:53

Emrys was meditating when the attack came. He had just arrived at the castle’s observation tower, his three remaining acolytes on his heels, when the message came.

Atton’s grin was plasted over the room’s massive holographic screen, pointed threateningly down at Emrys.
”Hey, Bobbers.” His voice crackled with so much static that it was difficult to hear him over the roar of turbolasers.

Emrys straightened his glasses, as Miriam began to report frantically.
“Our fortresses on Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, Kashyyyk. They’re all under attack. Our warships throughout the galaxy have been ambushed by Mandalorian forces.”

”See, Bobbers? This is what happens when you get on my nerves. All your fortresses, all your warships, attacked. We outnumber and outgun you, and we have the element of surprise.” Atton looked like he was about to burst out laughing.

“How?” Short, clipped.

”You have a traitor in your ranks.”

Emrys spun to look around the room. Twelve had left, fled while Roza and Miriam had been occupied with the readouts and consoles. Emrys let out a snarl of displeasure.

“It doesn’t matter. I’ll escape.”

”Oh, yes. I’m well aware that you’ll get away - But what the kriff are you meant to do? You’ll have no army, no fortresses, more than half your acolytes will be gone or dead.” Atton laughed, abruptly, clapping his hands once. ”You’ve failed so much that your name will be mud among the Sith - You won’t be able to build up another army, not without some great difficulty. Who knows, maybe you’ll realise that going after me is useless - I’ve beaten you twice now, Bob.”

Behind Emrys, Miriam shrieked as one of the consoles exploded. Roza leapt out of the way of the flames. Atton shook his head.
”You’re hopeless.” The message cut out with a flicker of static.

As the fortress went up in flames around Emrys, he sank down to his knees, burying his head in his hands.

The explosion that shook the Observation Tower, several minutes later, left nothing but rubble and ash.
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