WOOHOO!! done! all done!!!

Apr 25, 2005 10:50

ffinnnaaalllyyy....all done exams...i feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. i've memorized every damn room in that library. you kno its bad when the only time u see ur bf is when u study together...ah well...its worth it to PASS!!! i've never worked so hard in my life...all of the late nytes, every single nyte...just studyin....it kills...i think every nyte this week i was contemplating on whether or not i should even continue in nursing!!! its too damn hard!!! i slept for a lovely ONE hour and a HALF last nyte...my poor grandma was worried about me cuz she knows me and my frendz got no sleep. thanx for all the luv grams! ssooo yea...i am motivated to go out EVERY NYTE this week....cuz im back in school again next week :(. so here's the plan, and anyone can join me if u like.

tuesday - BBQ and drinks with aimz, tee, chris, stina, thea, di, uummmm, i guess a BUNCH of ppl...not plannin on goin home cuz im gonna be WASTED outta my ass...i NEED it...i NEED a good nyte out...

wednesday - am i drivin u to the train station aimz? and im kinda feelin a shoppin day, or BBT, or movies

thursday - downtown with the nursing gurlz

friday - hhmmm, don't kno....prolly a chillin nyte for me...prolly gonna say bye to stina

saturday and sunday - helpin aimz move in...

monday - back to school....yyyyeeeessssssss

so yea....i'm gonna sleep....cuz im dead tired....hope everyone else is doin good!!!!

~*P3aCe It*~

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