Mar 05, 2004 20:59
wanna hear something funny?
we watched this video in english about the DaVinci Code by Dan Miller (excellent book). the video was about all the stuff in the book about how jesus was married and other things (the book was fiction). anyways afterwards we hadda write about sumthing about the video and if we agreed or disagreed with it. well i decided to agree with jesus being married because he was jewish. and all jewish moms tell their sons from a young age to marry a "nice, jewish girl". i know my mom did. im sure jesus' mom did too. so i wrote about that.
later on we all had a chance to discuss our papers.. i wasnt going to but my teacher asked me to.. so i did. and everyone thought it was the funniest thign that jewish mothers would tell their sons to marry a "nice, jewish girl". so now all the girls are like "cameron, you're so cute. we need to find you a nice, jewish girl". and i laugh. so its funny
our first home game was cancelled today cuz it was raining all day. hopefully we'll play tomorrow. we're supposed to have a double-header (2 games). i cant wait! not that ill play but oh well.... lol
you know this livejournal thing is kinda interesting. i dont know many peoples names who do it so feel free to name sum people or whatever.
yeah school is tough. we have an english oral ib exam next friday. holy shit im not ready. i dont even know what to study. but school still sucks.
ill make another post later
-cameron #26