Welcome to the Church of noise

Oct 06, 2003 11:54

Well what another shitty weekend.

been ill again with this bout of flu/cold thats going about.

Went out for The Captain's birthday on Friday and had a very cool, drunken time. Was cool to actually see most of the boys out for a change. The Captain was beyond drunk!! We took him to Revolution and all bought him flavoured shots. We later left for the Friary after The Captain had downed 9 shots and about 3 pints (and yes he was still standing!). Ended up in a very packed and hot Bluenote. Could have pulled Sandra Ive been since told as she wanted a piece but left early due to excessive drunkeness. Stayed at Ellies again (always seem to end up there when im pissed these days!, im sure her housemates think im an alcoholic!).

Saturday just chilled at home feeling very hungover/ill.

Sunday was the mother of all shite days. Felt really ill when I woke up and was full of cold. Went to the 'secret' Therapy? gig at The Flowepot. Paid to get in but the guy wouldnt stamp Ellie and I's hands for some reason. Went and chilled in the bar while the shite indie bands played. Then when we go back to the gig room to watch Therapy? and the bouncer wouldnt let us in because we didnt have stamp!! Couldnt find the guy who we paid into and so missed Therapy?. I was well pissed off but left and didnt make a scene as I was to ill.

Got home and then snapped my key in the lock (where the key still is at this point in time) Luckily Grant was in and we can still open the door from the inside. Just waiting to hear from the letting agency to see if we have to fork out for a locksmith.

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