An email sent to the Russian yesterday. I was supposed to buy half-and-half on Saturday... and then on Sunday. I finally got it around midnight yesterday.
At my old job, we took turns buying creamer. When it came time for my turn, I would tend to forget consistently for several days or a week. LeRoi eventually started adding it as a task on my Outlook calendar. As he was also our personal barista, every morning when he came into our office (ROG's and mine) to collect our cups, he'd ask, "stuberyl, did you get the creamer?" then laugh when I said no. For some reason I could never remember that I was supposed to have picked it up until I saw my coffee cup sitting on the desk at work. A couple of times I'd make a special lunchtime trip to Trader Joe's to get the stuff while the intention was fresh in my mind.
So I got to work this morning and realized I left my coffee-filled travel mug at home [again]. Didn't realize I'd forgotten it until I saw my tea cup sitting on the desk. Am now having a cup of Earl Grey.
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