In the past month or so...
- My cousin's daughter was born (March 17th, 6lbs 3oz 19in... or something like that). They ended up spending about a week in the hospital. Went in on Tuesday because the mom wanted a quick check-up and then the doctors just went ahead and checked them in. Since the check-in was unexpected, I was recruited for food runs and various other errands. After a couple of days waiting for things to get going naturally, she eventually had a c-section. My last job was to bring the folks to the hospital for a visit. Then they went home and I haven't seen them since. (We talk on the phone periodically. Now that the parents have set up house, finally, and have a crib, finally, I've taken to asking if they've settled on godparents and whether they plan to have the baby baptized... because I'm a bitch that way.)
- I started a temp job at the end of last month. It was fun for about a week, but now I sit in my chair all antsy. Fortunately, there are compensations: no one monitors my time, folks seem to appreciate the work I do, and there are free snacks in the break room. And, since I'm not allowed to make phone calls to external contacts, I don't have to deal with people, except...
There is a very talkative guy in the cube across from mine. I call him "the talkative guy" because he talks a lot. He doesn't talk just to me, but I end up being in his line of fire a lot because we share a printer and the printer's in my cubicle. The talkative guy tends to feature heavily in stories about the office, because he talks a lot and because I don't know how to make him go away, especially since he occasionally says something useful which means occasionally I am actually interested in what he's saying. (The first time this happened, I had just been created a stack of letters that I needed to fold and stuff in envelopes and just as I was thinking "Don't we have machines for this?" the talkative guy walked up and said "Has anyone shown you how to use the folding machine?" I was so grateful for this knowledge that I let him show me how to use the copy machine, too, and didn't roll my eyes once during the demonstration.)
- The Russian and I had our first argument (what I would call our first argument). But before that, we went rowing on the lake. It was very reminiscent of my first date (what in retrospect I would call our first date) with c*. A bunch of folks met for brunch at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles (RIP) and after, c* walked
winterredwood and me back to my car, which was (badly) parked near Lake Merritt, which led to an impromptu decision to rent a rowboat. During the boat ride, I decided that c* like
winterredwood (this would later turn out to be false) and that I had no skill for rowing boats.
More recently... the Russian and I made another visit to the local park/wildlife preserve, which is very near a golf course/recreation center. After walking the trail a bit, we made a beeline to the rec center and, long story short, ended up renting a rowboat. The last time I was on the lake was during my department's "team-building" off-site. We had a scavenger hunt, and used canoes and paddle-boats to find some of the clues. My team lost the race, so the primary thing I got from the hunt was damp. Very very damp. So, as I got into the stem/stern/whatever of the boat, and the Russian got into the rower's seat, I was quite clear in my priorities:
"Listen, dude, I've got my purse, my cell phone, and your cell phone here. Do not splash!"
And then we rode. Er, rowed. The Russian rowed to the center of the lake and I rowed back. There was a moment when he got a phone call from his brother; I was rowing at the time, but that didn't stop him trying to direct me on the proper rowing of a boat while conducting his phone call. Turns out he's a bit of a micro-manager. Also, he's been watching a lot of TNG lately. So eventually I had to say, "Keep your hands off the oars and STOP calling me Wesley!" We made it back to shore alive, and without appreciable dampness.
- The Russian's brother had a birthday. We made a cake (four layers of sponge filled with strawberries and custard, and whipped cream to cover it all). Write-up forthcoming (yes, I am now two cake write-ups behind, but wait, my cousin just had a birthday and my mom's is coming up on Sunday so the back-up is about to get longer).
Also, the Russian has gone full-circle and is now re-settled on the idea of going to law school. So he enrolled in an LSAT prep course, which is currently eating his brain, and his time. One interesting side-effect of this is that he's taken to calling me during his drive home. We never used to talk on the phone, like ever, at all, so using the phone for something other than texting is new.
- I have some dance performances coming up. Also, people have actually been showing up for class on a consistent basis. It's been nice. It's a lot easier to settle on a teaching style when I have people to teach. (Queen B came back for last week's session and really enjoyed it, said I seemed more focused than before.) I have to figure out how to keep the tide rolling in. (Maybe an ad on Craigslist?)
- Otherwise, things continue much as usual.
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