so that went okay then [photos for DM]

May 19, 2010 15:34

A couple of Saturdays ago, I asked Byrd to cover the last half hour of my show because an acquaintance asked me to take some photos of him doing a guest spot at another local station and had offered to pay me for my time. (I did mention that I had a scheduling conflict but didn't let him know what it was, for fear he might tune in someday.)

After I looked through all the photos, I was pretty sure he would ask for his money back. I spent a good amount of time trying to figure out how to get the lighting thing to work (flash/no flash, f-stop size, etc.), and then how to adjust the shutter speed so that my shaky hands wouldn't always lead to out-of-focus shots, and then how to get to just plain get a good shot. I had an hour to work this out, but it didn't seem like I ever got it right.

But I went through and deleted all the unsalvageable ones (too dark, too blurry, too ambiguous). And then tried to correct what was left (while still saving the original versions, just in case those were preferred by him or the videographer). And the end result was that he liked them. So... I feel pretty good about that actually. (I think it helped that I converted some of them to black-and-white, which seems like the sort of choice he'd appreciate.)

So, combine this with the response to last week's effort, my "clips show" version of the storytelling broadcast, being overall positive (or at least kind), and I just might start to develop a bit of an ego.

Anyway, I've realized lately that ego or no, I don't have a lot of time to indulge my insecurities. It gets in the way of getting the actual work done. Somehow it feels better getting the work done, even if it's crap, than not doing the work at all because I fear it might be crap.*


* Trying to get at least one of my to-do's done, even if it turned out badly, was what got me to actually get around to making brownies the other day. So one down, 1,000,003 to go.


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