Jun 09, 2009 09:08
Too charming for words.
Well not quite that, but you know what I mean.
"I agreed to stand for pres because the incumbent claimed to not want to be in again, but she was telling porkies. So, I am VP, and my little cabal successfully got Rosemary in as secretary, so between us we might be able to do something about the OMG fiddlefarting and bumbleputzing and wishywashyflufferschmoopling, my GOD those women can make a meeting interminable with all the humming and hawing and welling and flip-flopping and lapses into hardcore stunned mullet vagueness. I actually like L (pres) and on the whole she's a pretty good pres, but she's about as decisive as a dragonfly so meetings suck. Rosemary'll sort em, bwahaha."
So I figured that "porkies" equaled lies, but the reason for that is new to me. Rhyming slang. I'd heard about such a thing from OG but figured it was a British thing. The person quoted above is Australian so I guess that makes it still a British thing? Eh, whatever. It's cute. I like it.
"Porkies" is short for pork pies, and pies rhymes with lies. All that remains is to figure out what a pork piie is, but truth be told I'm not sure I want to know.