today's outfit, etc.

Apr 16, 2009 09:16

I am tired of everything I wear all the time, so decided to go with the hot pink sheath dress today. This is one of the dresses I try to wear only very occasionally because I worry about burning people's retinas. But my colleagues (Super, ROG, and LeRoi) say it gave them a smile first thing in the morning (and Dad likes it too) so I guess I need to reform my thinking.

I am also wearing black leggings. And will need a new pair since these ones did not, apparently, emerge unscathed from the tickle-mauling I received last time I was wearing them.

Speaking of clothing...

It's a new quarter, so time to get all of last quarter's show recordings off the station computers. I brought in an external [firewire] hard drive c* gave me some time ago, hoping to transfer the mp3s onto it. That plan was stymied when the computer didn't acknowledge the presence of the drive.

The Chief Engineer was at the station yesterday. He is there most every day since, unlike most of us, he's not a volunteer. The CE's worked at the station longer than I've been alive, and been at the school even longer than that, since he did his undergraduate studies here.

So, essentially, the CE is a 'fellow of a certain age.'

I've seen him, occasionally, walking to or from the gym in the afternoon. And I have never seen a man in a shorter pair of shorts than he wears to his aerobics classes. These are the old-school running shorts that are not only short as heck but also have cut-outs on the sides (to allow for freedom of motion or extra ventilation or something).

When I was at the station yesterday, I heard the CE's voice in the hall and decided to ask for assistance. So we went into his office. Of course he was just returned from the gym. So there I was, in close quarters, as he removed various of his exercise paraphernalia.

I now know that he's an outie, because he lifted his shirt and took his heart rate monitor off before I thought to look away. What made me think to look away? He took off his fanny pack. He tends to wear it backwards. Take a moment. Picture that. I'll be here when you're done.

Anyway, the end of the story is that my external hard drive is old technology, so I'd have to dig up the correct driver and install it on the relevant computers in order to get it to work. He recommends I just get a(nother) thumb drive instead, so a trip to Fry's is in my near future. (And hopefully, now that he knows I have every good intention of retrieving my show recordings, he won't delete them.)

On an unrelated note, I just got a call from Cousin C. He'll be swinging by my house tonight. The official story is that he wants to drop off dad's mail. The unofficial tale is that he wants to hand over his "medication" so that he won't be tempted to distract himself while he's boning up for a job interview. He trusts that I will neither use it nor toss it. Ironically, the last time I did use "medication" of this type, it was from a stash of Cousin C's that c* had "confiscated." Still, Cousin C doesn't know that, and I am pretty trustworthy when not under the sway of Bad. External. Influence. (I wish I could figure out a way to make that phrase look like it was spouting flame or something.)

cousin c, broadcasting, media, clothes

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