Today begins the great Anti-Wrinkle cream try-out. (Well, not quite "great" since I'm only trying out one product.)
This seems a bit premature. On the other hand, my eyesight is bad so perhaps it's already too late. But then again, even if it does seem premature, I'm told one should start these things early, as a preventative measure.
In other news...
I got two compliments on Saturday's radio show. One from a caller (she had an accent of some kind, maybe German) who said I was playing really great music and then made a request. One from the DJ who comes on after me. That was even more surprising since he only plays blues, and I was playing almost anything but.*
However, there was one section of the show where I played three artists in a row that might have been up his alley: Dusty Springfield, Nicole Willis and the Soul Investigators, and Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings. After playing all three of their tracks, I went on air and did the back-announce. Then I said:
"So, if no one has any objection, I think what I'll do now is take those artists I just played, remix the track selections, and play 'em all again."
He got a kick out of that. "In 18 years at this station, I've never heard anyone do that."
Perhaps that's why he brought me a banana. Coffee would've been nice too, but I'm not knocking a gift of potassium and fiber. (I'm much fonder of bananas since learning that they do have some fiber content.)
After my regular morning slot, I had errands to run, and then returned to the station to pick up some staffing hours while engineering a sports broadcast. The fellow I had to shoo out of the studio asked if I were a student. This was funny to me since he looks way more student-ish than I do. (He's almost freakishly tall and slender with a total baby face.) But maybe he found it hard to believe that a full on grown-up would be running around with hair pulled back in puffballs that gave her the look of a Mouseketeer and a gray sweat-band style headband on to control the wispiest of bangs.
The fellow whose show follows mine, Bird, was still there so we chatted a bit more. I now have first-hand knowledge to back up Super's description of him as a conspiracy theorist. He talked for a long time, letting me know all about the personal transformation he underwent in the wake of 9/11. He stopped watching sports, seeing it as a distraction from the real issues, and got a lot more political. Now, he keeps the music show to feed his soul, and does a political show during the week to share his consciousness.
Lately, I keep running into "conspiracy theorists," these aware types whose jabber makes it almost impossible for me to retreat into my daydream of this world as a stable or safe place. I joke about the apocalypse, but I mostly like to try to ignore the fact that it's coming. That's become near-impossible these days and you know, I think it's all Super's fault. Hiring ROG, giving me a show abutting Bird's... I think she's working against me. (Or for me, depending on your POV.)
In other news, I learned yesterday that LeRoi has an MBA. So I asked him, "What're you doing here? You should be off being a captain of industry."
"Oh no," he replied. "Too much stress."
"Yeah, I get that all the time," ROG chimed in, "'Why aren't you practicing law?' I just don't want to deal with that level of stress."
I already knew that ROG had a law degree (and has worked at every conceivable job), and that Super has a Master's in Art History. With the knowledge of LeRoi's MBA (which I probably would've known about already if I'd bothered to read his resume), I now recognize myself to be the least-educated person in this section of the department. No wonder Super responded so favorably to my questions re: the tuition reimbursement program**. This girl needs to catch up.
* I really liked the show, too. Except for a coupla technical snafus here or there. I played one song that was like a total LA hair metal/rock 'n' roll throwback, guitar solo and all. I'm kind of embarrassed that I played it, and kind of tickled too.
One song that I actually do wonder whether it was a good idea to play was from the Phil Spector anthology.
He hit me (it felt like a kiss) is about a woman who told her boyfriend that she'd been untrue and then was pleased (or at least didn't mind) when he hit her because it showed he cared. [I wouldn't probably admit it in public, but I kind of relate to that mindset.***]
** I'm kidding. She would've responded favorably regardless. That's just the kind of cool she is.
*** I went to dinner with Queen B and our former dance teacher on Sunday. When I mentioned the playing of this song, she asked why I'd played it rather than just listening to it. No good answer to that, except that it never occurred to me not to play it. What I maybe should have done was follow it with some less ambiguous woman-powered song, but I didn't. I just let it stand. I wonder what anyone listening thought of that; no one called in, so I have no idea.
The dinner with Queen B and Zora could probably fuel another post. So I think I'll try to write that up later today.