Feb 28, 2009 17:59
Watched a couple of episodes of "Power Rangers: Jungle Fury" whilst on the elliptical machine this morning.
Laughed. my. ass. off.*
The new generation of rangers (bear in mind. I haven't watched any of the iterations since original flavor) are so bland-looking. And there's no token black guy. (No Pink Ranger either, which was personally disappointing. When I first started visiting MUDs, "Pink Frosted Ranger" was my tagline. Come to think of it, perhaps my current pink obsession can be traced directly back to Kim the Pink Ranger.) I couldn't hear any of the dialogue, but when I saw two Asian guys in one episode, I knew that only one of them would know how to fight and I was right. (The non-Ranger Asian was kidnapped after being mistaken for his Blue Ranger brother.)
It made me miss the days I used to spend watching that original "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers" knock-off, "V.R. Troopers," the show that gave me my first view of a pre-Carly/Claudia Sarah Brown.)
Also, yesterday I watched my second episode of the new "Battlestar Galactica." No beloved childhood memories were re-hashed during the viewing of that episode.
* Not literally