Oct 07, 2008 22:06
I am not enjoying xkcd as much as it seems I ought to. I fear I am, perhaps, more nerd than geek. Except there was this one really nerdy strip a couple of weeks ago and I didn't get it because I did not know that quarks come in flavors. Or what those flavors were. I am insufficiently educated.
Well, except I had heard of a quark. And I do also know that quark is a type of cheese. Of course, the quarks referred to in the comic were of the physics variety. So my knowledge was, respectively, insufficient/irrelevant.
On the other hand, that particular strip did also work on a sex-y level. I did get that aspect of it. So perhaps I am a sex geek. Except that I tend to sometimes [metaphorically] cover my ears and go "LALALALALALALALALA, I can't hear you!" when some topics arise.
This reminds me that Cousin C has mentioned a couple of times being invited to a kink-oriented orgy. He doesn't want to go, but doesn't want to disappoint the person who invited him. He's quite specifically making a point of not telling me the name of the person who invited him, so I find I really must know.
Cousin C's a bit of a blabber, so I have the idea that it shouldn't be very hard to get this information out of him. It'll probably be easier if I get him burbling about the topic in real life rather than on IM, the format of which allows him time to think and edit.
In any case, I TOTALLY think he should go. But he's totally like, "Nuh uh, peer pressure will not get it done, cuz."
"But think of the stories you could write. Think what wonderful material it might provide for your eventual stand-up routine. Wouldn't that be so cool?"
"I am not fixing to wake up in [censored] all [censored] with the only compensation being 'But at least [stuberyl] thinks I'm cool.'"
I've been rather surprised to discover lately how relatively prudish Cousin C can be.
This reminds me to mention something that mom said a few weeks ago. After listening to my end of a phone call between me and Cousin C, her comment was: "You two do not talk like people who are related."
This was one of those "Um, ew" moments mentioned above. (Ironically, it has been said that c* and I sometimes interact as if we were brother and sister. This would be more evidence of my need for therapy.)
I tried to understand why she would say this. I assumed it was based in some janky family history. But no, it's just her independent thought. And this is why she will occasionally remind me that some relationships are "abomination." I think I would be offended by her insinuations, but I'm more just fascinated by her use of the term "abomination."
Some people think of twins as abomination, or two-headed kittens, or... um, two-headed calves. In my mom's lexicon, the word seems to be reserved for inappropriate sexual relationships. And by inappropriate, we mostly mean incestuous.
Another "abomination" she mentions occasionally is the abomination of people from the same village [in her home state] getting married. People from the same village are considered to be related even if they have no blood in common. She doesn't quite get that rule, she admits. I wonder if it has something to do with extramarital shenanigans, since traveling farther to find a mate makes it less likely for half-sibs to inadvertently marry.
On a less strange note, this evening was the first of the Broadcast Training classes. (There was supposed to be a turntable class right after, but [fortunately] the DJ canceled at the last minute.) First homework assignment: prepare a description of one of the station CDs and bring it in for discussion. This will require hanging out at the radio station, since none of their CDs are allowed to leave the building.
So that's whatever. What I am really concerned about is assignment 3: create 1 hour demo tape. This used to be the very last assignment, but the guy who's teaching this session of the class thought it stupid to leave the good stuff for the end. So now I'm wondering how to fill all that time. Super, who has a radio show and who is also the Program Director for the radio station, thinks that once I get started, I won't have trouble finding a point of view for a potential radio show. I am willing to believe that perhaps she might be correct. But still...
Big, big, intimidating task. Well, really, medium-sized intimidating task. What actually seems like a big big intimidating task right this moment is the challenge of being the sole go-go dancer during a performance by my friend's band (30 minute set scheduled for Friday). Just me and the musicians on stage (or maybe in a ring of fire; I don't even know) performing at a private party.
He said, "Hey, we're playing a show in [BFE]. Want to come dance for us and then get drunk with a bunch of professional wrestlers?"
So I said, "OMG! Totally!" because what possibility could sound more appealing?
I wasn't, but we will just say that I was, high when this conversation took place. I so totally pretty much completely kinda sorta maybe want to find a way to get out of it without looking like a pansy. I have a few days to work that out.