Today was Alisdair's day off, which meant more Flathunting.
Lots of trekking into Dundee and back again, and around Dundee. it makes me feel like getting a car.
Of the two properties (not the 4 that I had booked, remember) neither was suitable. Both laboured under the misapprehension that if you have lovely lounges
1 and
2 then you'll forgive shitty features like having a washing machine without a tumble drier (both flats) a fridge but no freezer (both flats), a tiny dingy bedroom (both flats) and a boiler in the middle corner of the bloody bedroom.
As Lex Luthor says in Superman Returns Money you can print more of, diamonds you can manufacture, people are a dime a dozen, but land is the one thing that there isn't going to be any more of. It isn't a case of there being nice flats that are outwith my budget (unless they're 2 bedroom, in which case they really ARE out of my budget) as that there just aren't any flats that don't have something seriously wrong with them.
I'm going to start sounding like a Bridget-esque singleton in a minute. All the best flats are either taken or gay.
I feel less masculine because I use a razor and some shaving foam After coming to realise that I didn't have the patience to grow my hair out again and that I actually hated how my hair looked, I got it cut. properly. So it isn't a shapeless mess like I had when I was 14-17.