(no subject)

Apr 17, 2007 01:11

so on friday i was supposed to go to the movies with kyle after my shift at blacks. however things got screwed up and he couldn't pick me up straight from work. so i went home, got changed, and then went on msn. harpal messaged me asking me if i wanted to go to a party downtown. i decided to go with it, and cancel plans with kyle becuase i was tired of waiting, and a party downtown sounded a lot more fun. i called kyle and told him i didn't feel like going out anymore. harpal picked me up with shawna and kenny. i wore green zebra strapless dress underneath grey overalls with deep dark red tights.

we get there around 10.30, carded and i lie at teh door with my sister's id, saying i'm an ocad student, 2nd for photography. load up with two rums and cokes, just get a little warm before i start dancing. looking around at this custome dance party held at some chruch on queen street east in toronto, and realize it's a little like a highschool dance. the bar tender gives me a few more free drinks, and i'm a happy girl. i part from my friends and begin talking to strangers, making a few friends, some i can dance with on the dancefloor.

some dancing, chatting, making my way through people. i find a guy whos good at dancing. my back against his front, going going, totally moving, with this 1year design student, tall, lean, dressed in white and big nerdy glasses. i think a good 20-30 minutes of our bodies pressed, i say 'i'll be back' and then never return. more dancing, and i get chummy with this guy with dreads. we talk on the dancefloor, and somehow i get the impression that his breath smells like garlic? or gingers? but i always sem to smell that. we go downstairs. makeout. i'm missing a lot of middle stuff, like smokes outside, kissing shawna, talking to cool people, taking care of a drunk guy, peeing, blha blah blah.

so this guy wtih dreads. chris.

and i'm too tired to finish . part 2 soon. or i will edit this so that it makes sense. i'm sotired right now.
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