
Oct 06, 2006 15:15

woah! everybody go here please:

probably the craziest thing i've seen in a while. some professors at harvard apparently made a 3D animation of what goes on in our cells every day. its actually insane. like it seriously looks like an alien civilization or something all working together to invade the earth, but it's literally going on thousands of times a second in our bodies right now. like ridiculous. i seriously almost shed a tear the first time i watched it, just cuz it completely shows the glory of our God. He's so big, and so complex, and so wise....He created all that junk! you've gotta watch it, it seriously is just unbelievable. like you'll be tempted to think "oh they just made this up" but it's apparently all been observed using electron microscopes and stuff, its very accurate, made by hhhhhhaaarvard, people! so go watch it seriously, its amazing.

in other news, my new band, tentatively called "the jones'" (we're not sure if thats gonna end up being pronounced, "the jones" or "the joneses" but for now we're just riding it.) anyway, my new rock/blues/folk/jam band, the jones', will be playing at battle of the bands on tuesday. i'm not sure what time, i'm going to the meeting for it tonight, but we're definitely in (according to stephen). these things somehow have a tendancy of falling apart at the last minute, but assuming it doesn't, i better see all you dudes out there dancin and rejoicing it up in front of the stage. it'll be alot of fun. we have a myspace (thejones39), but there aren't any songs up yet, so just come tuesday to hear us.

and finally, this weekend is going to be a weekend of spirit missions. if anyone wants in on some spirit missions, or prayer, or worship, or baptism of the holy spirit, let me know, cuz we're doin it all this weekend. auburn besta get ready fooo!!

and speaking of the baptism of the holy spirit, i obviously don't know what everyone thinks about it, and i know its controversial, but you gotta have it! it's power, and it's vital. at the retreat last weekend i prayed with a high school kid to receive it and my GOODNESS can i tell you, the Lord is just POWERFUL. theres just not much else i can say, but you will receive power (acts 1:8). theres so much waiting for us out there. but we can talk about that more if you want, all i'm saying is it'll change your life. matt 3:11, acts 19:1-7. read it and pray.

aight dudes. enough is enough, i'm going to get a chik fil a biscuit!

faith hope and love, but the greatest of love.
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