(no subject)

Jul 11, 2005 23:03

howdy, folks.

mallory's speculation that livejournal might be dying introduced a certain sense of urgency to my desire to post, so i decided to throw a post up really quick. just in time, too, because there's something we need to discuss.

beginning this saturday, i will be out of the country for three weeks on a mission trip with first presbyterian church to peru! i will have frequent and easy access to the internet during this time, but will probably not be updating this blog much, as i have created a special one for my peruvian adventures (the address of which is being shared with folks from church so they can keep up with their mission team friends!). most of my reflections will be posted there, though maybe i'll find my way here once in a while.

let it be known, though, that this livejournal is NOT dead. just taking a break. go check out the peru blog, and be sure to leave lots of comments!


happy trails.
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