My mate Gavin, who lives in Ethiopia, ran his first half-marathon on Saturday. Because he lives in Ethiopia, I don't know how he did, but I'm sure he got on well. Anyway, the charity he ran for, Kembatti Mentti Gezzima-tope (KMG - stands for Women of Kembatta Working Together), is a damn good one. They're a partner of the UK-based organisation WOMANKIND Worldwide. Gav explains:
"KMG is a non-profit, non-government organisation
(what used to be called a charity) who help girls in Sounthern
Ethiopia get a good education and therefore rise out of the Catch-22
of servitude and physical abuse. In particular, they can gain the
means to speak out against harmful traditional practices such as FGM
(genital mutilation, which is every bit as bad as its name suggests).
If you would like to know more about FGM, there is information on the
World Health Organization (WHO) website
So, your money directly boosts education for girls and helps them to
eradicate mutilation and its attendant health problems."
Gavin's over his target for fundraising already, but a target is just a target and this organisation needs more money. This is a hugely important feminist and human rights cause - two things which I know concern lots of people who read this blog. So, if you can, go to
Gav's Just Giving page and load 'em up with more cash.