Mar 28, 2006 18:57
im chillin right now...i was hurtin earlier to day but in all honestly, shes just a girl. shes playing with herself, not me. its all good...i cant even trip anymore. this shit is over and done and i am now obligated to be her friend...thats why she mad...ur back with ur ex...whatchu need another friend for? i aint gon lie im still thinkin about her but thats it. im bout to be on hiatus for a lil bit cuz aint nuffin im checkin for right now...they gon have to cum to me...and even if she dont call i dont care. im done and this time,, I SWEAR, i am for real...this is the last entry about her bitch ass. i dont even hate her but she should have been real with me from the jump. if that was me in her shoes i would have carried bammas up front so they know what im not about that...but she didnt...its all good though because i thought about this alot...and now im gettin there to gettin over it...bizzle