All the truth you seek. Rise... and You were always on my mind :)

Sep 30, 2037 23:59

Parklife! Parklife! Joggers go round and round, and I gots intimidated by dirty coo piginz (who were wandering round a horse enclosure today, damn right they should be fenced in, they're vicious I tell thee! Esp. the wood pigon variety) again

Howl cool:

Just got back form a lovely lunch hour havin' a wolfy snooze under a tree in the park. And I thought and dreamed you'd be here with me :)Very nice indeed :) Then a dawg bumped its nose into my face! Boop!

^ A good re-creation of what happened ;P

Today, I feel grrrreat.
I feel like takin' all my clothes orf in the pork, no er, (porklife, flesh? :P) park, to answer to the right of spring, Sinin' and singin' like lovers sin/sing!
Funnily enough, I normally do this kind of thong*, er oops, me mean thang :P

Me adapted lyrics went a bit haywire there yo?

I fancy the park after the pube next meet. I can't wait for this one :) So let's do it now I say! :P

Strange on the way back, there was a huge black shadow (big fat line) that went over me and some other peeps on pavement, and on lookin' round could not for the life of me see what caused it?!?!?

Going to see "Hostel" film soon. Quentin's involved (Hi Quentin!) Scary shizzles for wizzle

Never lose your sense of wonder,
Stu (rudely awakened** by dog nose and dustmen. I put me trousers on, have a cup of tea, and fink about leavin' the mouse er house)

I'm not going to stop the post there me decide, gonna continue, you cads!

Funna, roboribbit:

*Butt floss! hehe *bite* Youch!
**I wrote "awanked" by mistake firstly, which is a very dirty non-existant oblivious word. :P How very wude! Wash yer mouf out Stoo, dirtiest post written, evah. Kinickers

It's not Vor Sprung Dork Tecnik you know, Shepstermania!

And finally, Colonel Depp as never seen before, sharpish! :

relentless, please play loud, coo, introspective
