(no subject)

Nov 24, 2004 08:28

Well I definitely haven't updated for like ever... eh well... its Thanksgiving break now... (FINALLY)... so glad... time to sit around and relax... no homework to worry about at all... (unlike the last few years when I'd end up reading and reading and reading crap over thanksgiving... or any holiday for that matter)... I might read a chapter or two in my government book though... just because I know my work scheldule and its definitely a busy one for the next two weeks... School has been going fine... everything else is well ... going I suppose... so confused about some things... and I really don't know where to turn but I suppose thats all part of it so it'll all clear up in the end... whether its good/bad it'll all clear up and work itself out... eh well.... I'm gonna get going... there isn't really anything too life shattering to write in here anyways... ooo maybe I should mention that I was accepted to Wilkes, SHip and Pitt... (I might have allready mentioned a couple of those) but you'll get over it... lol... going to see Wilkes on Monday... and Pitt sometime next week hopefully... Ok... I'm off to work... get to see me trex trex... since he is graced with working with me all freaken day... but we'll have fun...

Thats All For Now, STu
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