Seriously people

Jun 20, 2008 07:34

Whether I get "attacked" or not for this, I really don't care. I am sick and tired of all the whining going on by all the attendees, staff, and officers of this year's Oklacon. Enough is enough. We are getting to the point to where you people are so overly concerned with who betrayed who, who has a say and who doesn't, who's trying to ruin the con, why we should ban this rule, that person, replace these people, etc... that it is driving me FUCKING INSANE!

Has everyone forgotten what a con is supposed to be? It's supposed to be a fun get-together with activities and such... who the flying fuck cares whether the activities are in the hotel or at the TR? "but I don't wanna walk." Get over yourself. We have a shuttle system being set up to take people back and forth. And, besides, it's an outdoor con... YOU HAVE TO WALK SOMETIME.

"But their getting rid of Travis and Heros, and I'm going to boycott." Good for you, I have no comment on my personal feelings towards this decision/series of decisions, but you people need to seriously calm down and stop feeding the drama.

"But the bylaws (insert complaint/explanation here)" Take it to an OAAA list, and leave Oklacon-talk to what it is, talk regarding Oklacon. Oklacon is a SUBSIDIARY of OAAA, it is NOT OAAA by any means.

"But (enter appropriate name here) is trying to ruin Oklacon by making it into a hotel con." We have the entire hotel this year (possibly the whole park)... why not utilize that? Besides, I don't know if you people complaining about this are familiar with the inadequate size and/or electrical system in the TR to handle all events, but we've held plenty of events at the lodge in the past, and, until now, no one had a problem... or at least not this big of one. Besides, I don't know about the rest of you, but I prefer not to have to move all those tables and art, and lighting and DJ equipment around EVERY SINGLE DANCE.

I might be leaving something out, and if I did, and you're upset, go jump in a lake. If you have something civil and constructive to add, then by all means. Otherwise, if you're just going to attack me, I don't want to hear it, and I will bite back.
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