I - honestly - cannot believe that I have made it this far. I mean, the idea that I would has been somewhere in the back of my mind, but now that I'm here and this story is finish, I cannot fully comprehend how in the world I got here. By far the longest story I've ever written for any fandom (not counting my much earlier days of pre-teen bad!fic), this story has a huge part of my heart. I feel like I've literally poured my blood and sweat into this. I'm not fully satisfied with many aspects of it, but as a whole it's probably one of my favorite pieces of writing. And I will say it: I am proud of this.
First of all, I need to thank the person who seriously is responsible for this story's existence.
folkloric_feel, because of you, my story is in the correct tense and isn't filled with spelling mistakes, has amazing and gorgeous art, and is actually finished. Thank you, wifey, for letting me wrangle you into becoming my artist, because I knew you had the eye and the graphic prowess to make my story come visually alive. And you did just that. You gave my story and these characters life. Thank you for putting up with my whining and my anxiety attacks and for my busyness and for my suddenly all-consuming obsessions over other fandoms that are NOT what my big bang is about. And thank you for humoring me by even engaging and squeeing over them with me. Thank you for listening to my thoughts and for texting me at early hours of the morning with your excitement, because that only made me more excited. And just - Thank you, thank you, thank you. You're gonna have so much leverage over me for the next, like, year you bitch. You are the best, and I don't know where I would be without you.
This story also would not be here if it weren't for these other lovely people who did a lot of hand holding and loving and squealing with me:
spectgem, because you, my dear, write triangle fic much better than I ever could, and because you have lab days on Thursdays and because you are amazing;
jannika, because you're the reason why I ever got into the Drake&Josh fandom at all and because you and I went in this together and came out alive (post drinks must be had! even if virtually. *g* );
ladililn, because you're a crazy little one and we were probably separated at birth and your excitement over everything is super-contagious;
secret_plasures, because even though we're both currently into two different fandoms, you still tell me that this story needs to be written and shall be read and because you're amazing, too.
And to the following people who always encouraged me and left me amazing comments of love and macros and who motivated me to finally finish this damn thing:
imprinted_soul and
Also a huge, huge, huge thank you to the
rpf_big_bang mods,
buyo105 and
chosenfire28. Thank you for hosting and managing this awesome fest, for dealing with all of us and for being so wonderful.
And - to anyone who actually reads this - this story and these notes and anything else I've written. This fandom is filled with amazing people and amazing readers, and you all are the reason why I'm active still and active at all. Thank you, so much, everyone. &hearts