Here's track one of the fic-medley I'm working on. In my impatience/laziness, I have decided to release them as singles. Which will probably be easier in the long run, since they're all pretty much completely different ships and fandoms. But I hope you enjoy!
the feeling when the feeling is gone
real person slash
drake bell/josh peck
track one of my "singles ship" medley.
→ He's spiraling downward into nothing. He's gotta shake it off if he wants to save everything about himself. The song is "Get Sharp" by The Limousines. It's awesome. Listen to it. ASAP.
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On another note, I totes watched Avalon High the other day. OH THE LULZ. Totes shipping it Allie/Miles and Will/Marco. Also. Gregg. Your true calling? Being a domestic housewife for David Henrie. End of story.