Who is Gregory Rodchenkov?

Jun 18, 2016 10:40

There is a question, solving in Russia, about an initiation of a criminal case in connection with the doping scandal and corruption related with it. In November 2015, the World Anti-Doping Agency (the WADA) has published a 320-page report, in which it recommended to the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) to disqualify for life five Russian athletes, four coaches and a doctor on charges of using doping. Also the authors of report demanded the resignation of the head of the Russian Anti-Doping Center Gregory Rodchenkov that in 2014, three days before the WADA testing, destroyed 1,417 doping tests.
Not all of a gigantic scandal that has caused enormous damage to the reputation of Russia could be. If UFSKN was able to carry out normally an investigation on the activities of an entire group of dope dealers, headed by Rodchenkov still in 2011 in Moscow. He had even been brought appropriate charges, but, thanks to connections, he was able to avoid responsibility. Destroying samples, Rodchenkov was not even trying to save the image of the country and its athletes. He covered the rear of their own, as the organizer of a network of doping sales. And his such activities could have people, interested in it outside Russia. Recently Rodchenkov fled to the United States.
There is information at Rumafia.com command on the criminal case №672536, which was in developing of UFSKN of Moscow in 2011-2012. 15 operatives of drug control were thrown in this investigation and it promises to be one of the biggest in the history of life. Actually, it ended in nothing. Let us turn to the facts.
According to the reference, the full range of operational-search activities conducted by UFSKN in Moscow was directed against the head of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Anti-Doping Center" Gregory Rodchenkov. Operatives, and then the investigator of UFSKN Badanova O.V., in the production of whom in February 2011 was a criminal case number 672536, lined up a "picture" about the fact that an organized group for trafficking illicit drugs (doping) is acting, led by Rodchenkov. Investigators believe that his "right hand" was the triple world champion on runs Rodchenkova Marina - a native sister of the head of the Anti-Doping Centre. According to the wiretaps and surveillance, it turned out that Marina Rodchenkova was engaged to do all the "technical" work for selling of illicit drugs. And her brother led her actions. He also ensured that the athletes, who bought dope from their families, would have "clean" samples. Well, how could it be otherwise, if the samples were tested by center, headed by Rodchenkov?
After collecting all the evidence, the staff of Federal Drug Control Service decided to conduct test purchases. For this purpose-recruited agent, a former athlete Konovalov A. I., got in touch with Marina and expressed a desire to buy testosterone propionate. "Rodchenkova MM, while in the apartment at their residence, gave her husband Romanov M.N., unaware of her criminal intent, a potent substance weighing 5 grams, for onward transmission to Konovalov." In February 2011, Romanov, not knowing about the criminal intentions of Rodchenkova M.M., acting at her request, moved the package with the specified substance to the subway station, where he was detained while transferring it to Konovalov. Operatives in the survey apartments Rodchenkova also found and seized testosterone propionate, weighing 10 grams and potent substances "oxandrolone" weighing 32.4 grams, "methandienone", weighing 10 grams, that "as explained Rodchenkova, it is intended to sell further". She also reported that earlier she subsided five vials of testosterone and four packs of ansomon "at the request of the athletes." Rodchenkova was detained, after charges she was released on bail. Operatives were developing the theory that the activity of selling drugs has been put on stream. And the head of the Anti-Doping center organized it.
In February 2011, Gregory Rodchenkov home was searched. In April 2011, the head of anti-doping center in the framework of the case №672536 were charged under part 3 of Article 234 of the Criminal Code (illegal circulation of strong or poisonous substances with a view to marketing by an organized group on a large scale). In May 2011, a search was conducted at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise, where the documents, "containing state or other secrets protected by federal law", were seized. In late May-early June 2011 accounts of Gregory Rodchenkov were arrested, including accounts in VTB-24 bank. In September 2011, Rodchenkov was charged in one more episode of part 3 article 234 of the Criminal Code.
Rodchenkov himself initially chose a very peculiar tactics - he was pretending insane. From April 2011 to May 2012, he was placed in the hospital several times "for the production of a forensic psychiatric examination". During this year, the head of the Anti-Doping Centre has managed to use their corrupt communications and a case rapidly began to fall apart further. As a result, the charges against Rodchenkova were removed and all investigations have been reduced to one episode of sale doping - that same agent Konovalov. The only accused in the case was Marina Rodchenkova.
December 27, 2012 Kuntsevo court of Moscow found Rodchenkova Marina Mikhailovna guilty in committing a crime under article 234 part 3 of the Criminal Code. She was sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 1 year 6 months to be served in a penal colony.
Rodchenkova filed an appeal in Moscow City Court. As a result, the panel of judges changed the sentence to a milder in 18 February 2013.
The result: the sentence is considered conditional with probation for 2 years.
Her brother Rodchenkov referred in the judgment as a witness. However, he retained his position as head of the Anti-Doping Centre, and as a result has led to a huge international scandal.
Only after WADA report, Rodchenkov was dismissed. And in early 2016, he moved to live in the United States. In that same country, which the mostly demands to punish Russia for using of doping by athletes. It seems that the American agent Rodchenkov fulfilled their mission and moved closer to their masters.

спецслужбы, спорт, допинг, США, спортсмен, Россия

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