Aug 20, 2012 18:53
I had sort of forgotten how much I liked writing. I'd really gotten out of the habit of even trying. There's really nothing in the last few story that I'd even consider as being spec worthy, and I have to consider fiction drawn from RP sources to be rather tainted. It's just not something that you can really put out there in any serious sense. For me, at least. But the importance it just that I'm doing something with my typing skills other than writing an endless stream of insurance jargon and narration to my work cases.
It might not be much, but it's better than nothing. And I do like writing wizards and ninjas, so I expect that as I continue this - and I think I do expect to continue it - I'll probably keep doing more gamefic and stuff. Hopefully it would expand out into something better or at least more legitimate. I don't know that it will.
Following the Monomyth story, I'll probably go back to Lady B and try to put her story back on the rails. I'm gonna have to dance around a few things since there will be an important supporting character who is not original to me. We'll see how it goes. I've also got another multi-part gamefic story I really need to exorcise out of my brain since it's been there for years.
I'm hoping that doing this won't drain whatever creativity I might still retain. I'm hoping that moving old ideas makes room for new ideas, and that those new ideas are any goddamned decent. I'm working on precious little new material as far as characters and situations go. Mostly they are all part of a framework of existing worldbuilding and franchises. Maybe something will come out of it. Maybe not. We'll have to see.
So yeah, I hope to make this more common. At least back to weekly posts.
Just in time for LJ to be dying, naturally.
doomed to fail,
yeah right,